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Thursday, June 30, 2011

...chit--chat with my co-teachers.,

Today is payday!!!
anyway., we had a really fun conversation today at our staff room., everyone is telling stories about their kids.,
it was so fun & interesting.,
-she's in KG1 (3 yrs old) & a very protective child. She told Ushma "If you've done something wrong to my friends or make them cry I will come to you tonight & get you."
Ushma asked "What? say it again". & the child repeat the statement., She was really surprised & at the same time laugh. Like, where on earth that kid get those words?., does she have special powers or what?., hahaha! KIDS!
-one of his kid (Noon) was my student last year (when they were in Nursery). Which was a very clever boy, on Monday Noon went to school with his eyebrows shaved, which ofcourse resulting to awkward appearance. He looks like an alien with a very big forehead. Everybody ask him if what happened, "he just simply answered " Oh, my grandfather shaved it." what???? Yes, his grandpa shaved his eyebrows beacuse it's too thin., they want it to be thick!!!

Today, Noon brought a cake at school. When they were about to eat the cake & sing Happy Birthday song for him he shouted "No it is not my birthday today, It's my Dad's!!!" hahahaha!
yes., his dad send a cake to school for his birthday./, weird eh?.,

anyway., that's one of the beauty of being a teacher.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

very late posting.,

I will update this blog if I have time., as of now I'm 6 weeks late., :-D

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

School Year 2011-2012

Obviously every year our students change (except in some cases) which brings us  mixed emotions.
Joy.. when our previous students were naughty.
Sadness...when our hearts have been closed to them.
& excitement...for a new challenge.

I'm thankful that this year's students are better than my first set of kids (last year).
I started teaching them during summer & I found it easy for them to cope up with lessons because majority can understand English. On the other hand, some of them just cried the whole summer school.

Anya (the smiling face kiddo)
Obey (Chinese)

Sam (Half Issan- English)
Luke (half Thai-British)

Chanisa (Timid gal)
Punnatud (One of the smartest)
Baby Pen (The youngest)
Indonesian twins Vanikka & Vania

Haru (The naughty One)

A Passion...

I am a teacher.
Cute Kids., they are inspirations to me...
Since I was a kid I dreamt of teaching,
I dreamt of touching one's soul... 
Inspiring young minds.

This was my second year of teaching,
I never imagined myself that I am going to teach 
young kids. I graduated as a Secondary Education major but I end up teaching Nursery which are 2-3 years old. Others are nearly 2.
but I love it. I was exhausted in the afternoon, but yeah it's all worth it.

Teaching is my passion & as what Madam Galaran (my mentor in college) said 
"Once a teacher, forever a teacher". 


A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.
Teaching English in Nursery level as their Second language is a lot of work, since the kids are still learning their first language I am not pushing them to learn "this & that". I make it sure that they are enjoying & have fun in learning the language.We are doing Letters of the Alphabet (one letter every two weeks). We're doing crafts once every two weeks. Usually we're just reading stories, singing & dancing, palying in the soft gym & jungle gym.